Today’s a MUSING Kinda’ Day…

I’m a little stuck.

Have lost some zeal.


Discovered writing for others for money is hard work and doesn’t pay much, except good experience.  But it has also left me drained of creativity for my own writing.  And the book is looking like such a HUGE mountain to climb.

I wonder what made me think anyone would read it anyway?  How would they ever find it?

I wonder if I really have as much valuable experience to share as I thought?

Is it just an ego trip to think I know something everyone else doesn’t?

Feeling tired…well, feeling SEVENTY TWO.  I wish I had gotten motivated to write the book ten years ago, but then, what would I have missed?  And would I have been ready?

When I first retired, I was active in everything – politics – the arts – nonprofits – blogging elsewhere – and my life was a flurry of meetings, making new friends, doing stuff I hadn’t had time for.  And we still had 2 teenagers at home – my grandson and TDH’s son, same age. They’re 23 and 24 now, so they were 13 and 14 then.  Um… lotsa, LOTSA teen drama, but happy I was home to keep an eye on things, and felt anything but serene much of the time.

Now I remember why I never thought to write then.  So, that’s the first 5 years of retirement.

After they left home, the last 5 years, I have focused on music, on acting, on regaining my health (fibromyalgia had me almost crippled when I retired), on travel, on learning how to grow food, on growing spiritually.  Who would want to have lived a life where there had never been time for that?  And no, I was still not writing with authority.  I was not ready.

I still take the first few hours every day for spiritual practice, and of course the gardens need tending every day…

Have I ever told you what a treat it is to eat fresh veggies you grew yourself?

Maybe this afternoon I’ll have some energy to get back to that..BOOK.  I’m ready now, I do have something to share that could help someone else.  I’m just a little fatigued.

I told you, a musing kind of a post.




12 thoughts on “Today’s a MUSING Kinda’ Day…

  1. We all have days like this. Sounds like you won’t let yourself stay stuck here, it’s just another one of “those” days. Write your book and I bet you’ll be surprised how many people will actually buy, and read it. I, also, have fibromyalgia, just one of many invisible chronic illnesses along with pain, and I know it is very draining. It zaps you of all your energy some days, most in my case. I think growing your own vegetables yourself is very awesome and I wish I could do it, too, but I can’t and let’s just leave that at that. I can’t even keep a cactus alive. I admire you for doing it, though. I know it’s a lot of hard work to plant and maintain a garden and the vegetables you are growing are so much healthier for you, without all those pesticides and other chemicals put on our produce. I one day aspire to write a book, too. Just a book about what it’s like to live life with all the chronic illnesses, pain, and mental illnesses that seem to go along with it all. I’m not really sure how to go about it, or where to start, but maybe I’ll get it figured out one of these days. I’ve been told by many that I should write a book. What do you plan to write your book about, or is a surprise, or undetermined at this time? If nothing else, it’ll be a great experience and you just let me know when it’s done and I’ll buy the book, regardless of what it’s about, to support you. By reading your description Author, sounds like you would have many things to say and a variety of things you could write about. I wish you the best on your journey and I hope tomorrow is a “better” day for you. Some days we just need to rest. Hope the rest of your day is a peaceful one. I look forward to following your blog. Take care.


    • Thanks for the support Tammy. The book is called, “Imagine Yourself Happy- real hope for overcoming deep depression.” I took that journey myself and want others to know it’s possibler. As re the fibro, my glutenfree diet has made a huge difference in the amount of inflammation and pain in my body, and the brain fog is gone too.
      As to the book, I have just started. but I have also started freelancing (needed extra cash), and someone hired me to write a mini-e-book. About gluten intolerance. The universe gives us what we need. I needed to understand my body better AND i needed to know how to write a small book before i wrote a big one.

      Best to you. Think about the mini e-book (about 7,500 words total.) I’ll blog about the process – I’m only halfway through.

      Peace back to you.


      • Hi Gerry, I too believe the universe gives us everything we need. I’ve been trying to do the gluten-free thing and it’s not easy. My entire digestive tract is diseased and eating anything is difficult. When I’m able and have the energy, I do a lot of juicing and smoothies. I’m also a very picky eater, but I would really be able to figure out how to eat totally gluten free without it being so much work to figure it all out because I simply don’t have the energy to do so. There are so many different names for gluten, so simply reading labels isn’t really so easy. Keep me posted. I’ll look forward to the mini e-book and, of course, your big book about depression when you get that one done. Good luck and I’m sure you’ll be a huge success! Hope your day was a “good” one. Take care.


      • I’m writing a mini e-book on Gluten Intolerance, ( a commission) and am learning a lot. But I can tell you that after I eliminated gluten and meat from my diet, my gut has been happier and most of my fibro symptoms are gone. I love no pain, but even more, I love NO BRAIN FOG! But my gut is all messed up too. happened in the early days of fibro when I was eating Advil like candy so I could handle my responsibilities.\.

        There are plenty of blogs that give you ideas, and lots of gluten-free products and baking mixes are on the market (Udi’s is the best, I think). here are a few that helped me.‎

        Let me know how it goes.
        Peace and Blessings


      • Hi Gerry, thank you for this information. I’ve bookmarked these pages and will look at them later. I’m very, very tired and I’m supposed to be taking a nap. doing a good job, aren’t I? LOL Hope your day is a good one and have a great weekend.


  2. Do you have ‘that much valuable experience to share’…..YES Gerry! You absolutely do. Write from those ‘experiences’ not what you think someone wants to read. There is nothing creative in experiences, they happened, and they happened exactly as you will tell them 🙂


  3. Gerry you are such a personable and inspiring writer! I always thought of you, ever since meeting you via Sherry and PDA circa 2004, as one of those women who manages to do it all in ways that manner. I am so proud to know you and proud of you. I can only hope to accomplish as much in my time between 56 and 72 as you have! I learn so much from you. Gardening would be a good think for me as I need to get back to my veggie lifestyle that I I had for many years before Robin’s Prussian dietary influence – strudels and streusels, cream sauces, crusts, and noodles, oh my – as well as taking the time to be more aware and appreciative of the now.

    Reframing is critical. Imagining is delightful.



    • Nancy you are much too kind, and I feel like I am not accomplishing anything anymore.

      Gardening is good, it gets me outside every day, and yes, in the now. I like my morning facebook practice, so many inspiring pages to get my mind straight before I start the day.

      I am enjoying getting to know you better. Since I don’t drive any more, and am no longer out there organizing, demonstrating and all that stuff, my list of sisters is diminishing.



  4. Gerry you are such a personable and inspiring writer! I always thought of you, ever since meeting you via Sherry and PDA circa 2004, as one of those women who manages to do it all in ways that matter. I am so proud to know you and proud of you. I can only hope to accomplish as much in my time between 56 and 72 as you have! I learn so much from you. Gardening would be a good think for me as I need to get back to my veggie lifestyle that I I had for many years before Robin’s Prussian dietary influence – strudels and streusels, cream sauces, crusts, and noodles, oh my – as well as taking the time to be more aware and appreciative of the now.

    Reframing is critical. Imagining is delightful.



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