It’s Already Been Written But Not By You – by Laura Probert

Well-loved mind-body-soul integration expert Laura Probert has written a piece  for The Wellness Universe blog that should inspire EVERY writer/blogger to dig deep and WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. Let her inspire YOU to let your fingers FLY across the keyboard!

I don’t know about you, but I have at least 3 books started…I get overwhelmed after a few days or weeks and then I get discouraged at my audacity to think I could write it. It isn’t (fill in the blanks) “enough.”  Laura reminds us that what people really want are insights about life…as experienced by UNIQUE YOU…because the way YOU tell it might ring a bell no one else has rung..


Here is a part of Laura’s article:

It’s Already Been Written But Not By You

Having a unique idea in this day and age of information overload is rare. The thing that hasn’t been written about yet is that thing that’s graced with your experiences, quirks, personality, knowledge, and expertise. Nobody else has yours. Nobody. Believe it this time and stop getting in the way of us being blessed with your brilliance.

If you’re going to let the excuse of it’s all been done before stop you, how do you explain that idea you have that eats at you day and night, waking you up out of bed without an alarm clock? How do you explain that you were inspired in the first place? How do you explain that energy? It’s not fake, and it shouldn’t be wasted. It’s your job to do something about it.

“There has never been, and never will be another version of you. It doesn’t matter what’s already being created, what’s already being sold, what’s already being done, what’s already being taught, there’s one BIG thing that’s missing from the marketplace. YOU!” ~Torrie Pattillo

Seriously, it’s your job to so something with that gift!

Read more and comment to Laura here…

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Meanwhile, Laura has given me a lot to think about.  I’m considering writing a mission statement -a why – for each of the books.  One is about recovering from deep depression (no surprise to my regular readers), one is about parenting a child with reactive attachment disorder (he’s my greatest spiritual teacher) and the third is about creating a peaceful family environment. I get to wondering if I have anything to add to the discussion and Laura’s right – no one else has MY lived experience to share.

The Wellness Universe is a collaborative membership group and online directory of people around the world who make the world a better place through their information, service or product and support others to do the same.  I am deeply honored to be a small part of this awesome tribe of healers and thought leaders, to blog for them and be featured from time to time (my author page) and to be associated with such successful people as Laura. (Laura’s WU Bio). WU is accepting new members, and would love to feature your work.  Apply here.


 “The Wellness Universe” Core Blogger – Laura Probert, MPT is a holistic physical therapist, published author, poet, and black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She’s a Huffington Post blogger and her inspirational writing has been featured in places like MindBodyGreen, Best Self Magazine, The Wellness Universe, Wild Sister Magazine, Tiny Buddha and The Elephant Journal. She’s serious about integrating mind body and soul as a journey to passion and power and it’s her mission to show you how. Find her books and programs at and

2 thoughts on “It’s Already Been Written But Not By You – by Laura Probert

  1. True, there IS “nothing new under the sun” – but we each have our own experiences of life and individual stories to share – and you never know when your story might benefit someone else. Just as I’ve been helped by what others have written, I hope my writing will touch and help other people. For me, it’s worth the effort to find the exact right words to convey my story and it helps me to clarify my own thoughts and emotions in the process. Just because it’s “nothing new” doesn’t mean it won’t connect with and help someone else!

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