My Five Minute Sermon/Psalm


My sermon today is a meditation, a Psalm, a Communion.  I invite you to read it softly aloud  to yourself, and to  allow its power to bring you Comfort and Strength.  This psalm is unarguably my belief.  Each path is different, this one is mine.


One all-giving Grace Sources and Grounds me, abundantly Blesses me and Works as and through me. One Loving Presence, Guides and Embraces me. One Eternal and Creative Law Evolves and Unfolds and Empowers my life and all life.

I look to the heavens and see the stars and the galaxies, infinite energy and matter, and I know Spirit Indivisible, always Flowing, ever Expanding, forever Creating anew. I rest in, and, in perfect trust, I commune with, the Strength and Goodness and Love and Harmony and Order of the Creative Source of all Life, for which I use the word, God.

God is Omnipresent Love, expressing everywhere Perfectly at Once, and thus I know that God Expresses in and as me. I am so blessed to have  the Consciousness to be able to rejoice in communion, common union, with the Divine.

I am One with the Source. The Source moves through me, lives as me. I am One with, one OF, the Brilliant Effervescent Light of God, and I cannot help but sing a psalm of thanksgiving and joyous praise.

 As I inhale, I savor the Goodness of God. And, in communion with the Infinite, I smile. I glory in the Holy Experience of the Presence of God, right here and right now. I accept and declare that God is All there is and that therefore I am One with the Creative Source – The First Cause – knowing God in the midst of me, God at the center of my being, is the Truth of me and the truth of all I see.

Where I stand is Holy Ground, for God in me is Awesomely and Powerfully and Lovingly Present.

 I exhale all doubt and fear. For God is here, in the midst of me. There is no opposing power to battle or overcome, only beauty and Light within which to endlessly commune.

 As I inhale, I savor the Goodness of God. I see only the Brilliant Light of God that Surrounds and Suffuses me, Shines forth as me. And, in communion with the Infinite, I smile.

I marvel in delight at the great Mystery and shining Glory of this Truth, empowering and strengthening me, guiding me and shining me.

 I exhale all doubt and fear.  For God is here; the Allness of God Shines brilliantly everywhere, everytime, as a Light unto my path.

 As I inhale, I savor the Goodness of God. And, I smile! I smile and I actually glow with the Light and Love and Peace and Power of God  that is the very Truth of my Being.

Yes, I know that I know that the very Light of God Shines in, as and through me.  I AM that Light in my very soul, and my only function is to Shine, to Love, to Express the Light. And to give thanks, to know, How spectacularly, awesomely, sweetly Great Thou Art.

 I exhale all doubt and fear, for God’s Goodness is Perfectly Present here and everywhere, and no harm can come to the Precious, Holy me of me.

 As I inhale, I savor the Goodness of God. And, I smile! I am One with God.  Even during turmoil and strife, as much as in the sunshine of a spring day, I am One with God. No harm shall come near my dwelling place.  Even in the turning of the seasons of life, I am One with God, Guided, Guarded and Protected. Even in grief over loss, as much as in joy of birth and rebirth, I am One with God. I draw my strength and my comfort and my good from an Infinite Well of Love and Possibility, closer than breath, nearer than hands and feet.

 I exhale all doubt and fear.  Where I am, God is.  How very Great Thou art.

 As I inhale I savor the Goodness of God. And, I smile! The secret of my spiritual power lies in a deliberate consciousness of my union with the Whole, my interconnectedness with all of life, past, present and future, my Oneness with the Infinite, with God, with Peace, with Love. I am never alone. I rest in the perfect assurance of God’s Loving Presence, everywhere, everywhen, in everyone, and most certainly, in me and with me.

I exhale all doubt and fear, for God’s Goodness is perfectly present every here and every now. If I find myself in an uncomfortable emotional state, my old belief in separation form Its Source.  I release my belief in the power of a seeming negative condition.  I restore my inner sense of unity with all Good.  I know that truly, the only solution to any seeming rapids is to rest in the Allness of God, until the loving solution is clear, in the highest good of all.  The Master teacher said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all else shall be added unto you.”  And again he said, “The Kindom of God is within YOU.”   And,  “fear not, for it is God’s Good Pleasure to GIVE you the Kingdom.”

As I inhale, I savor the Goodness of God.  I see only the Brilliant Light of God that Surrounds, Enfolds and Suffuses me. I see only the Kingdom of God Within me, within you. I keep my eyes on the Prize.  And, yes, I smile! God’s Love and Peace and Light Shines forth as me. As you. I believe It.  I see It.

 As I exhale, I let go of everything that does not serve me, everything that knocks me off my spiritual center, all fear, all resentment, all confusion, all unforgiveness, all sense of lack or unworthiness or limitation.

I marvel and rejoice in my Divine nature and the Divine Name and Nature and Greatness of each one I meet. I AM that I AM is One with me and I AM Me is grateful.

I savor the Goodness of God.  So gratefully, I smile and let it be.


Photograph taken by NASA

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